by Christopher Jones
There are very few things that are more painful than food poisoning.
Food poisoning is truly a debilitating kind of ailment, and if you have ever been affected by food poisoning, you know how debilitating it can be when it comes to staying nourished or even hydrated.
Although it is difficult to consume almost anything when you have food poisoning, the worst forms of food poisoning are so intense that even drinking water can be a struggle.
It can be very, very difficult to stay nourished when you have food poisoning, that much is for certain.
Things can get especially tricky after you have suffered from the symptoms of food poisoning. if you consume the wrong things in the wrong way, you might prolong the symptoms of food poisoning.
When you have recovered from food poisoning, you need to understand that your stomach is still very sensitive.
Knowing what you should and should not eat afterwards is very important in this case, this way you can recover fully without upsetting your stomach even more.
It is also important to know how you should eat and drink properly when recovering from food poisoning, as trivial or as strange as this may seem.
Yes, certain things will happen to you if you eat or drink too little or too much after suffering from food poisoning, and very few know this.
When you know what to eat after suffering from food poisoning and how to pace yourself properly when eating, you'll be able to recover from food poisoning without any further complications.
One of the most important things that you need to understand before learning about what to eat after suffering from food poisoning is what happens to your stomach while you are recovering from food poisoning.
Your stomach is working overtime to defend itself from undesirables when you have food poisoning. The most important part about this is that your stomach does not recognize what it needs to protect from.
This is why it is very difficult to even drink water when you have food poisoning. When you are affected by food poisoning, your stomach will identify anything that comes in contact with it as something that needs to be removed in an attempt to protect itself.
It is for this reason that you need to take care not to eat or drink too much too quickly after suffering from food poisoning.
If you eat or drink too little, you will be malnourished. This can lead to dizziness, dehydration, and other kinds of negative conditions that can be dangerous.
This is especially true when it comes to staying hydrated. Although it can be difficult to keep water down after suffering from food poisoning, you need to do all you can to hydrate yourself, even if you need to take your time.
If you take on too much when it comes to food and drink, you will upset your stomach to the point where it will reject what goes in it. This will result in diarrhea or vomiting.
The reason this happens is because your body is devoid of nutrients after the period that you had food poisoning, where you couldn't consume anything. Therefore, even if you eat or drink in your regular portions, your stomach will not be able to process it properly.
Because of this, you will need to lower your portions drastically when eating or drinking anything after suffering from food poisoning. Be patient and give your stomach time to process what you eat or drink in a way that it can handle.
This is true even with substances that do not contain a lot of ingredients, such as water.
You should also do your best to eat and drink at rates that do not leave your stomach empty, but also at rates that your stomach can handle.
When it comes to food, every 4 or 5 hours seems to be a proper interval in this case. And you should drink 8 or so fluid ounces of water every 1 to 2 hours. This will ensure that your stomach will handle what you are feeding it.
As you can tell, knowing how your stomach operates after suffering from food poisoning is key. But you should also know what not to consume after suffering from food poisoning.
Something you should know is that no one food directly gives a person food poisoning.
You can eat nothing but unhealthy fast food and feel perfectly fine, but then turn around and get food poisoning from eating food that is extremely healthful.
Food poisoning is similar to any other kind of infection where if the particular food you have consumed is infected, you will suffer from food poisoning.
The source of food poisoning could be from anything.
But the story is completely different when it comes to what you should and should not eat after suffering from food poisoning.
Recall that after you have suffered from the symptoms of food poisoning, your stomach is completely empty after removing everything that was infecting it.
When the stomach is empty, it is extremely sensitive and it will have a very difficult time breaking down food or drink that typically takes a long time to digest.
Because of this, you need to stay away from foods that take a long time to digest, naturally.
Anything with a lot of protein content will take a long time to digest. This kind of food should not be consumed after suffering from food poisoning.
The same goes for anything that is overly flavorful or processed. These kinds of food items will take your body a very long time to process, and your stomach cannot handle them after you have suffered from food poisoning.
Complex carbohydrates such as vegetables or fruit are usually some of the most healthful food items that you can consume. But again, these kinds of food items will take a very long time to break down, and your body cannot handle them while you are recovering from food poisoning.
Although this probably does not need to be mentioned, stay away from any sugary drinks and especially alcohol while recovering from food poisoning. These contain far too many additives and chemicals, and consuming them when you are recovering from food poisoning is very dangerous.
The basic rule of thumb when it comes to what to avoid after suffering from food poisoning is that the longer it takes for the food item or drink to break down, the more you should avoid it when recovering from food poisoning.
However, there are a few things that you should eat and drink in order to recover from food poisoning properly. These will be covered now.
While you should avoid any food item or drink that takes a long time to break down when recovering from food poisoning, you should certainly look to food items or drinks that can be broken down quickly.
One of these, of course, is water.
Dehydration often follows food poisoning. If you are dizzy or do not have a lot of energy, it means you are dehydrated, and you must hydrate yourself after suffering from food poisoning.
Continuing on the topic of fluids, fruit juice is acceptable to drink after suffering from food poisoning. Just remember to drink them in extremely small portions and do all you can to make sure the juice is freshly squeezed and not pasteurized, since pasteurization involves additives.
A few things that you can eat while recovering from food poisoning are food items that are easy for your stomach to break down. Grains and bread type food items are perfect for this, since they are composed of simple carbohydrates and are very easy to break down.
Although they are more processed than they should be, cereals and pastry type food items are indeed easier to break down than most, and you can consume these after suffering from food poisoning.
Small fruits are also acceptable, since you can control the portions. Grapes and raisins are effective after suffering from food poisoning, provided you keep the portion sizes very, very small.
These are a few things that you can and should consume when recovering from food poisoning. Remember to keep your portion sizes very small and allow your stomach to re-familiarize itself when it comes to nourishment.
Dealing with food poisoning can be very complicated and frustrating.
Consume the wrong things in the wrong way, and you might go from recovering from food poisoning to prolonging the symptoms of it.
Stay away from anything that you believe will take a long time for your stomach to digest and break down: Foods with a lot of protein content and overly processed or flavorful foods should be avoided.
Food items and drinks that can be broken down quickly with minimal effort are what you should consider.
Do not forget to stay hydrated when recovering from food poisoning. However, resist the temptation to drink too much water at one time, since your stomach will not be able to handle even medium portions of water after the symptoms of food poisoning have subsided.
Knowing what to consume, what to avoid, and how your stomach operates after you have suffered from food poisoning will help you recover from it completely much faster.
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About Christopher Jones
Chris is a true globetrotter. He has been to many destinations and tried different types of food from all over the world, yet he still loves finding new places and tasting their specialties. Chris has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and so he decided to go back to school at age 24 for his MBA at University of San Francisco so that he could have a better understanding of business strategy in order to start his own company. His favorite motto is “how can one live well, travel well, and work well without having good food every time?”
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