by Rick Goldman
Cornstarch is highly renowned throughout the world when it comes to baking as well as cooking. In a very systematic process, the starch is extracted from the corn grain and is made usable for the people.
The uses of it are endless. You can use it to thicken soups, stews and even sauces. If you are planning on making corn syrups and other types of sugars, cornstarch can help you out with that as well. All of these are possible because the starch possesses the capability to absorb water during the time it is heated.
There are people who have celiac disease in which they can’t consume gluten because it will become a threat to their life. Eating it intentionally or unintentionally will damage the small intestines present in their body. However, cornstarch will be their life savior in this case as it is completely gluten-free and are very healthy.
If you don’t have this starch in your kitchen or it is not available in your grocery store, this article will be very beneficial for you. It is filled with various substitutes that you can use at any time when you are in dire need of cornstarch. We choose healthy cornstarch substitute which are very common and very essential.
So, let’s not waste any time and dive right into it.
Thankfully, it is a gluten-free alternative and good news for people having celiac disease. These are also used to include a thickness in your cooking.
Like the previous one, you should double the amount of Arrowroot for each portion of cornstarch.
It is a very clear powder made from ground rice and is highly in demand in most of the Asian countries. Celiac affected people can easily use it as a substitute to cornstarch and they won’t feel the difference in the taste.
If you require thickness in your recipe, this flour will be a great option for you. Its colorless texture will make your work very easier and you won’t have a hard time mixing all the ingredients. Use 2 tablespoons of rice flour for every tablespoon of cornstarch and the overall result will be similar.
Wheat flour consists of an awesome combination of fiber, protein, and starch. The flour is made by a grinding process from the fresh wheat.
It is considered a good substitute and to get the same result in your recipe like the cornstarch, the portion of the flour should be more than the starch. Thus, to get that thick mixture, apply 2 tablespoons of white flour if 1 tablespoon of cornstarch is needed for the same purpose.
There are also other types of flours, brown and white grain. If you prefer to experiment with these ingredients also, you are most welcome. Just make sure that you are following the same procedure of white flour.
Accordingly, o make this alternative as thicker as possible, apply water and continue mixing it till it becomes a beautiful paste. After that, you can easily use other ingredients and make your dish a delicious one.
One more thing, people with celiac disease should strictly avoid using this as it is very harmful to them. The main reason is that it is not gluten-free and they should look for other options present in this article.
This is also a vegetable gum filled with a high amount of soluble fiber and is low in calories. If you find it in the grocery store, you will notice that it costs less than Xanthan gum and can be a good option if you are low on budget.
Use a small amount of it in the beginning and check the thickness. If it is not matching your expectations, increase the proportion gradually.
This substitute is quite unique because it forms a jelly-like substance when mixed with water. Unfortunately, the output will be quite powdery and might not be that smoother than usual. But still, the overall flavor will be the same if you use all the ingredients according to your dishes requirement.
If you need 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, you should go for 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and a mandatory 4 tablespoons of water.
This starch is another substitute that you can easily use without any hesitation. It is made by crushing the potatoes to the maximum extent and then it is left for drying. The final result comes as a powder and is then made ready for your use in the cooking.
It contains zero gluten but contains a high level of carbohydrates and also the levels of fat and protein are quite low.
You can’t use the same proportion technique as the previous ones because this mixture requires a different approach. Simply, use the same amount of potato starch as the cornstarch and you are good to go.
It is a powerful powder that mixes very well with water and forms a clear thick mixture in the end. There is zero calories or carbohydrates present in it and is very healthy for your internal organs.
When used in cooking, apply a small amount of glucomannan in all cases as its thickening power is more than cornstarch. If you need 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in your recipe, use 3/4th of glucomannan and apply a small amount of cold water. These total mixtures will help other ingredients to blend in easily.
You can use it easily for thickening purposes and is also a decent cornstarch substitute. It is filled with soluble fiber and also has a low level of carbohydrates. Use a small portion of it in your recipe and experiment with the thickness gradually.
It is a vegetable gum created in a powdery form which you can use smoothly in your cooking. You just need to apply small proportions of it and this will thicken the liquid to a very huge proportion. This quality makes it a great alternative to cornstarch.
If you are planning to use it in your recipe, apply the same proportion that you might have used in the case of cornstarch.
Tapioca is a good quality gluten-free starch that is quite popular in South America.
You can buy it in different forms, pearls, flakes or flours. When it comes to cooking, replace 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of tapioca.
So, these are all the top healthy cornstarch substitutes. Take notes from this article and don’t forget to share this beneficial information with your loved ones.
Have a good day!
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About Rick Goldman
Rick Goldman's grandpa was a captain of a California coast cruise. This afforded Rick the luxury of traveling to exciting places along the Pacific Coast as a young boy. He got to try different, exotic foods on these journeys - something he really enjoys blogging about from his grandpa's beautiful garden home today.
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