by Christopher Jones
Although both blenders and juicers process fruits and vegetables into a delicious chilled beverage, the manner in which they process the ingredients is completely different. As a result, the constitution of the end product is also entirely different. If you simply want to add more nutrients to your diet by improving the intake of fruits and vegetables, blenders and juicers are both excellent ways to do so. However, if you are planning to buy only one out of the two appliances, it is wise to consider the differences among them to make a good decision.
The blades of a blender simply blend everything that comes in the path of their rotation. If you put the entire fruit with the skin and the seeds into the blending jug, it will all be there in the blended drink. High-end blenders are powerful enough to blend all kinds of fruits and vegetables including even the hard parts of the fruits like seeds into a smoothly pureed outcome. Many of them offer variable speeds so that you can control the texture of the blend exactly the way you prefer.
A juicer, in contrast, breaks down the components of the fruits and veggies and extracts only the juice from all of the parts leaving aside the pulp, skin and seeds. The fibrous parts or the pulp of the ingredients are thrown away and do not appear in the drink acquired by the juicer for your consumption.
Blenders are the perfect tools for making smoothies and milkshakes but their blending function comes in handy for serving many other purposes as well. You can also use it for making soups, making dressings, making dips and baby food. Since you have the controls in your hand, you can keep the results smooth or chunkier depending on the consistency you prefer or what the recipe calls for. The smoothies and milkshakes you get out of a blender are denser and more fulfilling than the juice extracted from a juicer. So if you are looking for a drink as a meal replacement, smoothies will make a more wholesome option to keep your tummy full for some hours.
Although juicers are only specialized for a single task: extracting juice, this is a task which a blender cannot perform. As an output of the juicer you achieve a clear liquid that does not have any fiber present in it in the form of pulp, peel or seeds. These drinks have higher water content as compared to smoothies or milkshakes.
While both blenders and juicers increase our use of fruits and vegetables, there is some distinction in the health benefits they both provide in their outputs. Since the constitution of smoothies and juices are different, so will be their nutritional content. Both blenders and juicers produce easily digestible drinks which makes them an excellent choice for consumption after a workout routine when you don’t want your digestive system to put in additional efforts in digesting it.
Fibers which are retained in the drink by the blenders help in food digestion. Juicing, however, loses all the fibrous element of the fruits and vegetables. Some people need to maintain a low-fiber diet for various health reasons for which juicing would serve them better. But for those who have diabetes, blending is definitely a better option since the fibers in the drink ensure a uniform release of sugar into the bloodstream and thus keeps their sugar level in check.
Since the process of juicing removes the pulp, you can use a greater amount of fruits and vegetables in a single glass of juice than that used in a smoothie. The benefit you get in a glass of juice over a smoothie is the enhanced quantity of vitamins and nutrients that are there because of the greater amount of fruits and vegetables used.
The debate of juicing vs. blending seems endless and indecisive. The truth is, every individual will think differently and may prefer one appliance over the other based on their budget, health concerns, likes and dislikes. If you are having trouble choosing one of them to buy, you could keep both in your kitchen provided you have enough counter space.
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About Christopher Jones
Chris is a true globetrotter. He has been to many destinations and tried different types of food from all over the world, yet he still loves finding new places and tasting their specialties. Chris has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and so he decided to go back to school at age 24 for his MBA at University of San Francisco so that he could have a better understanding of business strategy in order to start his own company. His favorite motto is “how can one live well, travel well, and work well without having good food every time?”
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